Giving us a complex whenever we look at the cover pages of those glossy magazines or bill-boards, models cannot afford to look anything less than perfect, and they meticulously strive to do so. But the quite open secret is that every model goes through a series of digital retouching and post-editing that ensures the naturally impossible flawlessness. Photoshop has given several models a new face that sometimes is very different from the original. Not that this entails a make-up free shoot; it is making things very much easier for the photographer who doesn’t have to worry about slight defects in his shots now.
Photoshop is especially important for a model, because even with all the make-up and accessories, it might still be difficult to get an attractive shot due to defects on the photographer’s side, or poor lighting and problems in the set. So, retouching the image is an obvious solution, where the skin tone is lightened, dark circles and spots are faded out and any other blemishes are corrected. Despite the huge outcry that Photoshop is doing more bad than good by giving the impression that ‘beauty lies in fair skin and shapely curves’, it has become a very important and unavoidable part of the modern fashion industry.
If you are a Model and looking for Model Retouching Services, then feel free to contact us.
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