Ghost Mannequin photography is an important aspect of apparel photography and utmost care is taken to highlight all the details of the dress. However there are some specific tips to follow while taking photos to ensure that the final result turns out just the way you want it to.
- Prefer using mannequins without hands and neckline, to make your work easier while editing.
- It is also easier to use mannequins of the same shade as the background.
- If a live model is used, take care not to use too heavy styling.
- Also ensure that hair or accessories worn by the model do not obstruct the view of the apparel.
- Multiple images in several angles( including straight front view and straight back view) should be clicked.
- Stitch the garments and make adjustments according to the size of the mannequin so that it doesn’t look too small or too big.
- The camera must be placed exactly at chest level and hip level for photographing tops and bottoms respectively.
- Inaccurate anglings, inappropriate lighting and poor distancing lead to an unattractive view of the product.
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