Footwear is usually bought after giving a trial in the regular mode of shopping. But in online shopping, this feel has to be brought by the product images and description only. So the shoe(s) has to be photographed in multiple angles for an accurate view of the product.
Initially, the pair is to be photographed as a whole, to give a complete impression , and later each shoe is focused on individually. If there are any tags, emblems, etchings and any other decorations, then there should be a close-up shot of these details. The shoe is photographed in multiple angles like 90, 45 degrees. Another important thing is to photograph the top, so that the viewer can see the inside of the shoe, and the bottom so that the viewer can observe the sole. A few companies also offer the customer the option to pair up the shoes with other items to assort a complete outfit. All these uplift the sales of the company and increase its profits through e-commerce.
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